Sunday 13 September 2009

C is for City Travel Review



City Travel Review –
Study/Work Placement gap Programme 2009
Location: Berlin, Germany & Edinburgh, Scotland

Available Dates: Autumn/Winter 09 & Spring 2010

'Autumn/Winter Berlin'– Applications have now been released – The application process closes shortly after all candidates have been selected. Dates of programme 15th November - 6th December. 2009.

'Autumn/Winter Edinburgh' – Applications have now been released – The application process closes shortly after all candidates have been selected. Dates of programme 29th November - 20th December 2009.

'Spring Berlin & Edinburgh' – Applications have now been released – The application process closes shortly after all candidates have been selected. DAtes of programme 1st April 2010 21st -April 2010 with offices in Edinburgh, Scotland and Berlin, Germany attract participants each year to take part within our study/ work placement gap programmes. Participants are usually undergraduates, post graduates or working young people taking a short sabbatical. Participants come from all different backgrounds, with the following purposes to gain valuable work experience, learn a language from scratch or improve on foreign language skills already acquired (Berlin programme only), many participants wish to possibly change career direction in order to move into creative, media, journalism, travel writing, design or fashion industries. Participants are usually placed in peer groups that have members of the team with complementary skills. The guide is non profit making although participants are rewarded with bonuses in the form of activities, excursions, company visits and fun target related bonuses according to deadlines being met.

We are accepting applications for Autumn/Winter Berlin and Autumn/Winter Edinburgh. A Travel guide project along with a travel guide group producing a short film.

Sample of booklet produced: (Scroll down to sample of booklet tab).

Sample of work produced by one working team:

Add to your CV/Resume or Portfolio:

You will attend German language classes to learn German (Berlin programme only). During the afternoons participants work as Travel Researchers/review journalists and are thoroughly involved within the creative team, creating a professional tourist guide aimed at young people and students visiting the capital. Information gained in the language learning can also be incorporated within the guide. Participants design the whole guide from start to finish from layout, photos, graphics, writing reviews for restaurants, bars, cafés, attractions/entertainment, city history, art and culture etc.… An added extra of creating a short film is also available (optional). Participants attend workshops and are aided by a journalist & professional working team. The guide is published and distributed to various language schools, backpacking hostels, tourist offices, exhibitions, universities, small and medium sized business' to hand out free to young people. The guide is also used as an online resource. Typical activities involve visiting local business', newspapers, international manufacturing companies, breweries, trips to historical locations. The work normally stays in circulation for a minimum of 1 year. So if you are looking to gain new skills or looking to get a step into the media or creative industries simultaneously working in another country and gaining some new language skills to add to your CV or portfolio, please look no further.

For more detailed information please Check out all on

Check out our Team blog for updated info-

and to enquire or apply via


We look for outgoing individuals who want to learn a new foreign language from scratch or improve on knowledge already acquired (only Berlin ) and work within a creative team. You must be open and able to work to challenging deadlines within these vibrant capital cities.

How To Apply:

Please send us a detailed CV/Resume and an e-mail to explaining which group you would like to join and exactly why you would like to participate . In order to obtain an application form you must state which group you wish to join. Either Berlin Autumn/Winter or Autumn/Winter Edinburgh.

Note: We always have limited amount of places for all groups. Please also note that costs are involved in relation to accommodation, breakfast, language lessons, professional staff for activities/excursions, workshops etc...(for a full list of what is included in the cost please get in contact)

Contact Information For All Groups:
Motion Placements Ltd
6-8 Alexander Drive
Edinburgh, United Kingdom EH11 2RH
Phone: 0044 (0)131 346 80 80

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Citytravelreview in Potsdam

Die jungen Journalisten eine Woche vor der Fertigstellung des Sommer-Magazins für Berlin: zu Besuch in Potsdam. Der Sprachunterricht für das Sommer-Projekt ist schon Geschichte...viel Spass und die abschließenden journalistischen Details stehen im Vordergrund...

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Berlin Music Scene

Projects Projects Projects!

Before Orientation Meeting

New office Berlin

Lots of new changes at City Travel Review - Another new office in Berlin (Jannowitzbruecke), new locations, increased number of super project staff who do a fantastic job!.........and above all, many more very talented individuals involved.

Summer 2009

Summer 2009 - Here is the story so far. Some snaps from the group and a short video from Berlin.

Friday 3 July 2009

Edinburgh - Berlin und bieten internationale Journalismus-Programme in Europa in Verbindung mit den Elementen klassischer Sprachreisen an. Unsere Ziele sind die Verbesserung der journalistischen Fachkenntnisse, der Sprachkenntnisse und der interkulturellen Kompetenz unserer Teilnehmer. Zum Abschluss eines Projektes gibt es mit einem Stadtmagazin und einem Kurzfilm zur jeweiligen Stadt ein Ergebnis auf das die Teilnehmer stolz sein können.

Unsere Programme finden mehrmals jährlich in Edinburgh, Berlin, London und Lissabon statt.
Unser Standort in Berlin: Rungestr. 22-24, eG
Unser Standort in Edinburgh: 6 Alexander Drive, Ltd.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Berlin Spring GAP - The Book

The students from the Citytravelreview spring GAP produced a great result. There is the short film called Berlin Colour and also the book! We are glad to present some pages from it on this blog siite! We are looking forward to the next journalism and language programmes in Berlin, Edinburgh, London and Lisbon.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Countdown to next projects

Calling all prospective particpants.....calling all prospective participants....are you reading?......Our latest projects will be released towards the end of this month (June).....Stay tuned and watch this space for updates. Hayley says 'Hold on and hang in there!'.......while your waiting though you can download her best music on itunes.

Monday 1 June 2009

Impressionen aus Edinburgh

Unser kurzer Film führt uns von der westlichen Seite der Royal Mile, also von der Seite des Edinburgh Castle, zum Palast von Holyrood. Neben Holyrood Palace ragt der Berg Arthur’s Seat auf. Am vermeintlichen Sitz des König Artus kann man sich von der Geschäftigkeit der Innenstadt erholen. Das Gebiet bietet tolle Möglichkeiten für Wanderungen und für Erholung am kleinen See am Fuße des Berges. Sehr spannend ist es natürlich bis zum Gipfel des Arthur’s Seat zu wandern, um einen Blick über die schottische Hauptstadt zu erlangen. Dies haben wir in unserem kleinen Film versucht.

Zahlreiche weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten werden während der Journalismus-Programme von und beleuchtet. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst!

Monday 11 May 2009

Berlin Colour by Citytravelreview

Journalismus in Edinburgh!

Ihr lernt ein Projekt richtig zu planen, professionelle Recherche, journalistisches Schreiben, das Führen von Interviews und bekommt einen Einblick in die Bearbeitung von Fotos mit entsprechender Software und das professionelle Layouten eines Stadtmagazins für Studenten. Zum Abschluss des Programms haltet ihr ein fertiges Magazin in den Händen, das ihr auch als Referenz nutzen könnt oder in Eigenregie verkaufen könnt. Die Arbeitssprache ist Englisch. Das Ziel ist die Erstellung des kleinen Magazins in einem kreativen Team. Das Magazin ist besonders an internationale Studenten gerichtet, die Edinburgh zum ersten Mal besuchen.

Weitere Infos sind auf den Websites von Curso24 und Citytravelreview erhältlich. Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten spannenden Projekte in Edinburgh im September 2009 und im März 2010!

Tuesday 5 May 2009

New Edinburgh we come!

We are gearing up for Summer Berlin as we are writing, followed directly after by our new Edinburgh project.................until then enjoy some nice music from this well known Scottish musician.

Short film on communication

Spring group 09 Photos

The Spring group this year was awesome! What a great bunch of people. Possibly one of the loudest groups we ever had! Especially on the public transport system. Berliners could hear this group coming a mile off! GREAT JOB with the Spring Travel Guide 2009. Was fantastic to make this group happen and look forward to keeping in touch with all!

Here are some fairly random photos......................

Where the hell is Matt?

Monday 23 February 2009

The History of City Travel Review

The makings of City Travel Review began a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
We wanted to create projects whereby young people (18-30) would gain new skills that could be used in the real world. Members of the city travel review team were fed up working the norm 9-5 working routine. Being confined to meaningless tasks and being held back from their true potential. We found that we were not alone. We escaped and wanted to help others to. Members of the team all have been involved within various gap periods over a number of years. Our original idea still stands to create gap periods that incorporate culture, language training and enjoyable creative work learning experiences which they can carry this new found knowledge and practice into the future. Participants are given the opportunity to gain key responsibility positions, something that they may not be offered when gaining entry to a new job due to age, lack of experience, office politics, lack of trust, and other members of the team already being in charge of these key responsibilities. We give them the chance to fast track and bypass the bureaucracy often found in many companies. Participants that join our teams can be from all different backgrounds and nationalities which brings more colour and flavour to the projects. Groups are of all different sizes depending on the project; from 6 people, 12 people, 18 people to our maximum capacity of 40 people! Although we are not aware of other organisations doing what we do the closest experience that we can relate our projects to is the International programme 'Erasmus'. We find that many of our particpants that come on our programmes have already been a part of this well-known programme and some that gain entry to our programmes use it as a taster to a longer gap such as Erasmus. City Travel Review originally was based on this programme and a mixture of the 'Real World Project in Paris'.....where particpants lived together, learnt a new language and culture while creating a travel guide for young people visiting the city.


Over the past programmes we have found that many particpants benefited from our projects in a whole range of different ways from improved language skills, cultural insights, new working ethics, skills and abilities not to mention great memories and friends. Past participants go on to great things and often use the experiences learnt in their new found positions. We like to keep in touch with as many past particpants as possible and hope to reuntite in the coming years.

Here is a nice video of an inspiration to the makings of the Berlin City Travel review projects.........Enjoy. It is about more than a piece of paper. Carpe diem!

Sunday 22 February 2009

Berlin, Stadt der Gegensätze

Theater, Museen, Independent-Künstler, Oper. Berlin bietet alles, was das kulturelle Herz begehrt. Nachts pulsiert Berlins legendäres Nachtleben, gefeiert wird bis in die Morgenstunden. Entspannte Stunden kann man in den vielen Parks und an den Seen genießen.

Berlin ist wild, schick, trendig, kreativ, multikulturell, glamourös, manchmal auch schäbig, eines ist Berlin jedoch nie: langweilig. Deutschlands Hauptstadt Berlin gehört zu den spannendsten Metropolen der Welt. Ständig in Veränderung ist sie Anziehungspunkt für Musiker, Studenten, Maler, Bildhauer, Journalisten und andere Lebenskünstler.

Seit der Wiedervereinigung 1990 ist Berlin eine Stadt, deren Gesicht sich ständig verändert. Während das ehemalige Grenzgelände um den Potsdamer Platz heute Anziehungspunkt für Berliner und Touristen gleichermaßen ist, stolpert man in anderen Bezirken nach wie vor um Baustellen herum.

Berlin ist eine Stadt der Gegensätze und der Vielfalt. Das reichhaltige Kulturprogramm von Theater und Kabarett, über Oper und alternativen Bühnen zu kleinen Live-Konzerten kann ein einzelner Mensch nicht bewältigen. Gleichzeitig laden zahlreiche berühmte Museen ein, ihre Kunstschätze zu bestaunen: das Ägyptische Museum, die Alte und Neue Nationalgalerien, das Pergamon-Museum, das Bode-Museum, um nur wenige zu nennen.

Die Architektur Berlins erzählt die bewegte Geschichte der Hauptstadt von den Preußenkönigen über die Weimarer Republik zum Nationalsozialismus, den Zweiten Weltkrieg, Mauerbau und Wiedervereinigung. In keiner anderen Stadt ist die deutsche Geschichte derart präsent.

Gleichzeitig ist Berlin aber auch die internationalste Stadt des Landes. Lebenskünstler, Studenten und Intellektuelle kommen aus der ganzen Welt, um von der Berliner Stimmung – und den günstigen Mietpreisen zu profitieren.

Viele Besucher kommen auch, um in Berlin richtig zu feiern. Das Berliner Nachtleben ist legendär: von Reggae-Bars, über Latino-Discos zu Tekkno-Clubs und Tanzabenden für Senioren wird hier alles geboten. Genauso vielfältig ist auch das Angebot an internationaler Küche. Die vielen Ausländer, die das multikulturelle Gesicht Berlins prägen, beeinflussen auch die Küche.

Wem der Berliner Trubel zu viel wird, kann an einem der vielen Seen in und um Berlin entspannen. Surfen, Segeln, Paddeln, Schwimmen ist in Berlin ebenso möglich wie Inlineskaten oder Klettern.

Berlin ist das ideale Reiseziel für Sprachschüler, die ihre Deutschkenntnisse in einer inspirierenden Umgebung verbessern wollen.

Friday 20 February 2009

Don't hassle the hoff in Berlin!

This next song needs a glass of Wasser. (love it!) This man is a legend!

Tear Down This Wall!

The Apartment

Apartment living - This classic clip brings back memories of past programmes........funny stereotypical images of different nationalities living under one roof. City Travel Review attracts young people from all over the globe.........which brings a lot of characters, colour and imagination into the projects.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Location Berlin Spring

Here are some photos of surrounding area near our apartments. Photos taken during last spring.

Monday 16 February 2009

City Travel Review

Visit to make your own!

Summer 2009

Due to the high amount of applicants for our summer project we have extended our capacity and have released a further 16 places. These places will be available from Mon 23rd February 2009. This summer the particpants will have a hard task ahead of them. But we are confident that the team we have picked will live up to expectations and will bring all the usual summer fun! If you wish to apply for the summer, please contact for more details! Hurry as places go quickly!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Word from the team

This is our new team blog which we will write in from time to time........will keep you updated on the latest projects and what is happening at Team City Travel......hope you will until then....
